søndag 22. november 2015

Göçek municipal marina.

After a week of anchouring we are back in port. Göçek has its market on Sundays so thats on the plan for today. The whole family are eating lots of mandarins and more suprisingly, pomme  granat. The bitter sour sweet taste has grown on us all.

Pictures from Seagull bay (well the rooster that woke us up at 05 everyday morning could easily of given name to the bay.) Also pictures of olives been mashed to make olive oil. And from a nearby hill looking south towards Őlüdeniz and the seven capes. Last picture from the panncake at the market. Served with tea and fresh OJ.

1 kommentar:

  1. I dag er det kaos i Oslo. Regn har frosset til is på bakken. Det blir gode tider for fysioterapautar som skal trene opp lår- og beinbrudd. Er ikkje på jobb før 0900, men framleis mørkt!
