mandag 30. november 2015

We are here.

We are back in civilisation after 14 days of slow life in the medievel landscapes of southern Göçek. The days have had simple rutines. Early breakfast, short walk, lunch, lego buliding time,  long walk with fruitstop, dinner, drawing, doing dishes by hand, reading, look at the stars and bedtime. Meditative in some kind of way. Slow. Bordering to boring. Challenging us to guestion whether this is right. At the same time right on the spot to enjoy time with Ingrid, Edvard and each other. Time to explore secret caves where pirates can hide. Time to take walks at the pace of a two year old. Still, are we on the right track? (tack as a sailor could say.)

Beeing out travelling is beeing away from home. Away from our house, away from our wellknown sunday walks, away from our local foodshop. Away from family, friends, collegues and neighbours, away from the rutines of everyday life. No support from kindergarden in raising the kids. No newspapers. So like parents talking about their kids after they have gone to bed we talk lots about life and people at home. Just as much as we contemplate weathetforecasts and anchour holding the life of home is with us here.

The First of advent today and less than a month to Christmas. It suites us to be thinking of those at home. And those no longer home.

We are also happy for the warm showers at the Yacht Classic Hotel pier in Fethiye where we are moored.

Generally warm places make us happy! Check Janna in front of the fireplace celebrating her birthday! And catching her first fish!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Difficult to avoid routines!! So enjoyable to read of yours in the Turkish sun. Congrats to Janna on the harpooned fish. Envy you the open fire. And the light. And where did you find the presents for Advent? You didnt take them with you did you? You had so little luggage. Ed and Ingrid look happy with their new life. Hugs.

  2. Edvard's lego figure waled straight out of Starwars!
